Saturday, May 5, 2007

3rd Comment on Class Material

In class on Wednesday we discussed how it is important for companies to keep up with what is written on wikipedia about them. I thought this was a really good point since most people do go on wikipedia these days to look things up on a certain topic. I don't think companies put enough emphasis on the web and certain things such as creating a wikipedia article or blog are put on the back burner and are not looked at as a necessity. In the emerging IT world, it is an absolute necessity and the faster companies learn this-the better off they'll be.


Brenna Christensen said...

I just created a wikipedia article for my mom's business for that very reason! I showed her how to edit her article so she can continue to keep her article up-to-date.

Kristie Maher's blog said...

When Professor Brown was talking about this topic in class I immediately thought about your mom's business- good idea to create an article on wikipedia!

Mike Brennan said...

I agree it is extremely important for businesses to be be tracking what is being said about themselves on blogs and on wikipedias. Of course, you want to control what is being said when you can. If for instance a angry customer is frustrated and looking to ruins one's business by telling about their bad experience, it would be important for that company to try to remove such postings or at least respond to so that the potential customers don't get a negative vibe.